Blades of Mayari
sandata ni mayari
A Filipino-Canadian led, fantasy actual play podcast inspired by pre-colonial Filipino mythology

Blades of Mayari is a Filipino-Canadian led, fantasy actual play podcast inspired by pre-colonial Filipino mythology.
As Filipino-Canadians living in the Diaspora, one of our objectives with this show is to reconnect with our roots by exploring the diverse mythology and folklore of the Philippines.
Our ultimate goal is to create well-edited actual play audio fiction using the Fate Core/Condensed system, infused with the stories inspired from our ancestors, our families, and our own imaginations.

Cast & Crew
Game Master, Co-host, Co-Producer, Editor
Co-Host, plays as “Dog”
The Noise Witch
Co-Host, plays as “Hiraya”
Co-Host, plays as “Batara Basa”
Co-Host, plays as “A'thir of the Blue Maw”

Blades of Mayari episodes and all website content are © Blades of Mayari 2023-2024.
All rights reserved.
The Blades of Mayari graphic elements (e.g. logo, logomark, etc.), website banners, and merchandise were created by Ross.
The opening and closing theme music were composed by The Noise Witch.
The Fate Core / Fate Condensed roleplay system was designed by Leonard Balsera, Brian Engard, Mike Olson, Ryan Macklin, Jeremy Keller and is published by Evil Hat Productions.
The setting was built on top of The Islands of Sina Una designed by Seersword and published by Hit Point Press.